luni, 28 martie 2016

Cazarea cea mai ieftina este cea in regim hotelier

De fiecare data cand merg la Bucuresti am o mare problema in ceea ce priveste cazarea si este vorba mai exact de preturile incredibil de mari cerute de majoritatea hotelurilor de 4 stele. Cat despre hotelurile de 3 stele, unele sunt destul de ok, iar altele nu, ceea ce ma pune in situatia de a cauta foarte atent hotel de fiecare data cand ajung in Bucuresti.

Si tinand cont ca este vorba de capitala, problema este si mai mare daca ne gandim ca dinamica este foarte ampla, adica astazi majoritatea hotelurilor ar putea sa fie pline, iar maine sa fie goale – deci nu exista vreun nivel de omogenitate sau vreo regula pe care sa o pot aplica. Practic piata este complet haotica, ca o sinusoida complet dereglata, iar preturile pentru cazare sunt la fel ca aceasta sinusoida, total imposibil de ghicit cu 2 saptamani inainte.

Totusi, de curand am aflat de la un amic ce calatoreste si el aproape la fel de mult ca mine ca exista o variant mai mult decat convenabila in ceea ce priveste cazarea la hotel (unde evident, in pretul camerei iti este inclus si acel mic dejun suedez – care numai suedez nu este cu 3 variante de salam/parizer, ceai, lapte si 2 chifle aruncate intr-o farfurie).

Este vorba de cazare in regim hotelier, ce permite persoanelor cu bugete relativ reduse sa gaseasca un apartament sau chiar o garsoniera in care sa locuiasca (fie si pe termen scurt sau foarte scurt), folosind toate „ustensilele” dsponibile in locatie (de exemplu pentur gatit daca este cazul) la un pret mai mult decat satisfacator.

Foarte interesant este si faptul ca deja exista si un portal (100% romanesc ce ofera aceste variante) – se numeste si nu percepe niciun fel de taxe (nici din aprtea celui ce isi pune la dispozitie locuinta  nici din partea celui ce inchiriaza).

vineri, 11 martie 2016

How to maximize your property investment value?

The last 10 years have been very tough for everyone who was working in the real estate industry, as the financial crisis basically collapsed all the industry, along with the adjacent software providers, support companies and also with the construction industry.

It has been a very tough time for everyone, but at least in the recent past the things seem to improve a lot. The real estate industry is developing again, a lot of companies are putting a lot of efort in developing a very good online presence (as in the recent years it became the most important source of leads) and least but not last, the technology improved in such a way, that everyone can benefit of some very neat software platforms that are capable to offer new, cutting edge, marketing techniquest for real estate companies.

For instance... if you have a real estate company and you want to promote some new appartments located in a new building that are ready to be used, you can simpy create a virtual tour - which basically will allow a certain person (which might be a potential client) to carefully take a look at all the interesting parts of a building or appartment.

And the nicest thing about this is that the person that is building the virtual tour only needs some pictures - as the application is very easy to use for everyone.

It is very funny if we think that a couple of years ago we were visiting each appartment to study and analyse it, and today we simply need a smartphone and we can basically see a virtual tour of everything.